School Improvement Plan
Strategic Plan Goal Area 1: Safe and Thriving
Strategic Plan Outcome: O2. Every Student Thrives Socially and Emotionally
Strategic Plan Measure: % of students reporting there is at least one adult who really cares about them.
School “SMART” Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely): 95% of students will report that there is at least one adult who really cares about them based on the end of year district student survey.
Strategic Plan Strategy: Teams in each building meet regularly to examine social-emotional, academic, attendance and discipline data for students
- Action: BH&W teams will monitor behavior and attendance data and develop support structures for students
- Action: The SEW will promote development of positive social, emotional, and academic behaviors in connection with families and the community.
- Action: Create collaboration block for grade level teams to look at performance data and create action-inquiry cycles
- Action: Initial schoolwide calibration and support for effective and efficient measures using the IRLA, core phonics screener, and easy CBM
- Action: Support teachers in designing instruction for both individuals and small groups of students on targeted instructional strategies for striving readers including UFLI, Haggerty, and Serevalo learning methods with support from Academic Coach.