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Beaverton Schools

Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather: Whenever unusual weather creates hazardous road conditions, Beaverton Schools either close for the day, open two hours late or close during the day. Morning Kindergarten will be canceled when there is a delayed opening and Afternoon Kindergarten will be on a regular schedule. School closures and delayed openings are announced between 5:30 and 7:30 a.m. on morning television programs. Announcements of early closures during the school day are made on local news stations. A recorded message can also be reached by calling the Administration Center at 356-4500 or the District's website. If the decision is made to close schools, all evening meetings and night activities will be canceled, including all extra-curricular programs and all athletic events. Students who ride buses home will be released when their route bus arrives at school. Buses may be delayed in arriving at school and delivering students home due to traffic conditions. During school closures, delayed openings and early closures, buses may be on snow routes. If buses are on snow routes, there will be no bus service south of Errol Hassell. All routes along Rigert, 181st, 184th and Fallatin will be canceled. Be sure and listen to the radio for that information.